Mulbring Public School

Do Your Best

Telephone02 4938 0135

Co-curricular programs

Co-curricular programs

At Mulbring Public School we believe in providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom.

Our co-curricular activities offer students a variety of opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and contribute to the school community.


Multiple opportunities are provided on a daily basis for physical activity. We apply for and receive Sporting Schools Funding, three times yearly, providing Sport each Friday for each student by trained coaches. Every second year, we include an Intenive Swimming program. We also participate in the Premier's Sporting Challenge. Students 8 years and over compete in Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) Competitions in Soccer, Basketball and Cricket. All students, K-6 participate in a combined Small Schools Athletics Carnival and students 8 years or above are eligible to compete in Combined Small Schools Swimming Carnival and Cross Country events. Many of our students trial for Zone teams and represent our school at both Zone and Regional levels. We also hold fun events such as Colour Explosion Fun Runs.


We are very fortunate at Mulbring Public School to have our own orchard where we grow citrus and stone fruits. We also have raised garden beds and grow seasonal vegetables. 


We have a class kit of Sphero robots and a number of drones for student use. Students are able to learn coding and programming skills.

Social Chess

Chess boards are available for social games each lunch time. There is a large board and set of chess pieces as well. It is also hoped that an informal Round robin-style competition will be organised by our more experienced players during the second half of the year.